Wednesday 12 June 2013

McGill Lake

By the time we reached Moncton it was raining and we were tired so took a room in the first motel we found. Went out for a pizza, had some fun on Magnetic Hill (google it!) and went to bed.

Next day, a Saturday we left early and as we like to do, left the main highway for the scenic route - and how scenic it was. Lovely lush green countryside, narrow winding roads, pretty villages, more lighthouses and the Bay of Fundy where you will see the world's biggest tides.

Accidentally got caught up in traffic in Kentville where their Apple Blossom Festival festivities were taking place, with streets blocked and a parade about to start. Had trouble getting out of town before the 2 hour parade came through. Even the police said 'good luck' when we were leaving. 

Eventually got to Gwenda and George's house in Kingston. They have very generously allowed us to use their cottage for a week.  It is right at the edge of McGill Lake which is 3 km off Highway 10 at Albany Cross. A beautiful spot, there are only six cottages and most are empty. We were welcomed by the neighbours 3 doors away who had a big group of fishermen in for the weekend. We had a drink or three with them but since then, they have all gone home, and it is all quiet.
Our house on McGill Lake

From our house on McGill Lake

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