Thursday 6 June 2013

Gaspe Peninsula

For the next three days we drove around the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec where we really got to practise our French. Barry is very good, I'm bad. It is a beautiful drive, lots of small towns, interesting colourful houses, lighthouses, bays, covered bridges. We also were on the same road the whole way so we could turn off the darn Garmin and didn't have to listen to some woman telling us where to go.

It was cold, wet,  foggy, sunny, you name it. 
We took a motel one very cold night at Les Mechins
and camped the next night at St Godefroi. We were the only ones in the campground, their first customers for the season and they couldn't do enough for us. In fact, it seems word got out that the Aussies were in town, as first the mayor and later the Deputy Mayor came to welcome us. 
One of the main attractions on the route is the freestanding Perce Rock. After travelling over 700 kms, the jolly rock was totally obscured by fog. It lifted a bit in the hour or so we were in town, but we never did see the whole Fire hydrants are everywhere in Canada, and they even put a post to show where the hydrant is. They come in many colours, and in one town near Paspebiac, the hydrants have been painted as cartoon characters. Love it

Perce Rock

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