Wednesday 19 June 2013

Fortress Louisburg

Left Halifax in the rain and drove all day in gross weather. Driving along by the water, the Atlantic Ocean, was still good, but not for photos. We stopped in the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain at the studio of a well known folk artist, who makes all kinds of weird and wonderful creations from local wood. Some other tourists were there and guess what, three were from Sydney. Small world.

Stopped overnight in a cottage in St Peters on Cape Breton Island on the shore of the largest salt water lake in the world, Bras D'or Lake. Not the best time to view the lake, but at least we stayed dry. Next day we had less rain, but it was really cold and windy. For goodness sake, it's June and only 8 degrees! Bring on Summer.

Continued on to Fortress Louisbourg, North America's largest historical reconstruction of the 18th century French fortress. It was bitterly cold, so not at all pleasant, but we still loved it.The employees dress in the clothing and take on the role of the soldiers and civilians of the day. Some parts are not open as it's not high season yet, but we got to see quite a lot before moving on, crossing the lovely Mira River and on to Sydney, North Sydney actually, to spend the night.



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