Monday 27 May 2013


Last leg before LA, again stuck to coast road. Passed through Malibu and Santa Barbara - amazed at how people have been allowed to build houses literally on the sand. They are practically in the water. Not necessarily very big, but some mansions up on the hill.

At one stop Barry found a camera on the ground. There was a card inside the case so Barry rang the lady who was close by so we waited and three very happy people arrived. Turned out these people had recently returned from a month in Australia and loved Aussies, even more now. We were invited to visit them if ever we get to Cincinnati or Las Vegas.

Arrived in Los Angeles early afternoon, booked into the Golden Shore RV Park right at Long Beach. It was hot so had a lovely swim and just relaxed. 15 min walk to restaurants area. Had dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Very nice too. Went for a long walk after dinner.

Tue, 14th
Spent morning packing, gave our last two folding chairs and most of the left over food to 3 young Danish students nearby. They were delighted. Drove RV to car wash where Barry and David washed the outside while Jan and I did inside. The boys dropped Jan and I at Airport Travelodge Motel while they took the RV back. A day early, but at least we have a free day tomorrow. 

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