Wednesday 29 May 2013


Our next problem was finding a campsite as there weren't many around but we found a great state park near Woodstock. Went into the town for supplies - would have loved to spend time there. Dinner and lovely campfire and a good night's sleep.

The drive to Ithaca is really scenic. we passed through some really pretty areas, although it was a fairly long trip as we were on minor roads doing 45 mph or less. Arrived in Ithaca just as the graduation at Ithaca College had finished, so quite a traffic jam. Found our way to George Mann's house, a lovely cottage on a large property. We went for a walk at Taughannock Falls State Park which has the longest waterfall drop in the country. Very scenic. Had very nice dinner at Moosewood Restaurant in town. Enjoyed some music and a movie before bed.

Next morning, fiddled around trying to load a Canadian map onto our Garmin with no luck. Gave up and went to see another local falls with has a beautiful gorge walk but we were too early in the season and most was closed. Story of our trip. Never mind. We had a wonderful visit with George. Thanks again George.

Barry and George at Taughannock Falls State Park
George and Pam at Taughannock Falls State Park

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