Monday 8 July 2013

Leaving Boston for home

Left our motel and drove our little Ford Focus back to the rental company in the pouring rain, then caught the shuttle to the airport. We were hours early, so a long day/night was ahead.

Our plane left at 5:50 pm and got to LA at 11:10 pm Boston time - or 8:10 LA time, then we had a 5 hour wait for our flight to Sydney. 

QANTAS was fantastic. The crew were great, friendly and helpful, the food good too. The flight was great, so smooth, we managed to get a few hours sleep and arrived in Sydney 8:15 am Sydney time, to wet weather. 

Caught the train to Meadowbank where David and Jan were waiting to pick us up. 

What a holiday we have had. We have looked at brochures and maps and listened to a navigator until we can't bear to look at another one.

We have been away for over three months, have had many interesting experiences, seen many fabulous places, caught up with people we haven't seen for ages, taken thousands of photos. 

We've had an amazing time, but for now ... It's great to be home.

Until next time....

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